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When you think of a problem you have, do you tend to feel stressed? Anxious? Nervous?
Perhaps you dread it and just wish it would go away?
I went to one of the Unleash the Power Within seminars this past October in Dallas with Tony Robbins and it was incredible! So much useful information that I could not only use for me but for the people around me as well as the dreams & ambitions I am bringing about for myself, my family and friends …
The other day, I received a nifty little thing in the mail with the following information I wished to share with you!
The 7 Truths About Problems
Truth #1:
Your problem is that you think your problem is the problem.
Truth #2:
The real problem is that you think you’re not supposed to have problems.
Truth #3:
Problems are gifts. Problems stimulate us to grow and give.
When faced with an issue, you either ignore it and it gets worse OR you overcome it. If you decide to find a solution and overcome your issue, not only have you learned how to face said issue in the future, but you have also had an opportunity for growth and took advantage of it!
Truth #4:
The real problem is that you haven’t found and embraced an empowering meaning.
Empower – to give power or authority to; authorize; to enable or permit
The issue you are facing – is there a meaning behind it that gives it power over you?
Or is it that you have yet to find a reason to overcome the issue and are therefore inflicting this problem upon yourself?
Truth #5:
If you don’t master your perception of things, you cannot master life.
The only reason anyone does anything is to change the way that they feel.
But too often our perception is clouded by negative feelings like jealousy or envy, and until we can master our perception not only of ourselves but the world around us? We cannot master our lives.
Truth #6:
We think we can get rid of problems, but we can’t. We can just get better quality problems.
Truth #7:
Problems and happiness have no relationship.
The Cycle of Problems
Just like Tony Robbins, I truly believe that the problems we have in life are nothing more than opportunities.
As the diagram below shows, when faced with a problem you can either:
- Ignore the issue or blame it on someone (or something) else
- Find a solution
Often times when faced with a problem, we worry ourselves or focus on the problem so much that it affects other parts of our lives.
Why not think in terms of “How can I resolve this in such a way that everyone wins?”
Effective solutions create change, and change often creates new problems – but better quality problems.
The secret is simply to find an empowering meaning in each opportunity you are faced with.
— That’s how you overcome your problem!
And that’s it!
Because it’s sometimes hard to keep ourselves motivated, and often times difficult to get ourselves out of our funk because we are so focused on our own issues, I wanted to provide you with something that has helped me beyond measure.
Not only has the information in the below presentation given me insight on my own issues, but has allowed me to grow and develop in ways I never imagined.
Click on the presentation below for the info!