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Success Mindset Video Challenge – Day 05 of 62
So you probably know by now that I’m in the middle of a 62 day video challenge in order to help guide you towards rewiring your brain for success – a.k.a. brainwashing!
This post is no different.
In fact, in several of my blog posts I have mentioned doing something different – something new in order to stimulate your brain. It does wonders for you, and helps unlock hidden potential.
For example …
The video I am about to share was created while I was out running errands the other day.
There’s this small little park kind of near to my apartment that every time I pass by, I think to myself, “Hey – you know it would be really nice to go take a walk in that park … It’s so close!”
But never did …
Until I made this video yesterday!
In order to achieve success, you must take action on your dreams – especially when inspiration hits!
Not only did I make this video for my challenge, I was inspired to create 2 more, which you can see on my YouTube channel!
But for now, here’s day 5 of my 62 day success mindset video challenge!
I centered this video challenge around helping you get your mind reprogrammed for success!
In this video, I explain why you should actively seek out ways to be uncomfortable. Take a new route to work, stop by a park on your way home … whatever it is that you do, do something different!
Remember – in order to have something you’ve never had, you must do something you’ve never done. Just be sure to take the shortcut and work with people who have been there and have your best intentions at heart!
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