Those annoying messages you keep seeing from your friends about the Facebook algorithm?
Here’s what they’re not telling you about the most recent Facebook algorithm changes…
Curious on how to find customers online with Facebook?
There are so many options, strategies,
and features at your fingertips.
But there’s one vastly overlooked way
to find customers with Facebook.
My passion in life is to empower entrepreneurs
to create results online, so in today’s post
I am sharing a video training on
how to find customers online
using the Facebook search.
Facebook groups have become an integral part
of the Facebook end user experience.
It’s a way to connect with people
from around the world who share the
same (or similar) interests you do.
And you can exchange ideas
and funny memes from the
comfort of your home.
And yet…
Most people are unaware of the
benefits of utilizing Facebook groups.
Did you know you could make money from them?
The video below will walk you
through setup, management,
and privacy settings for Facebook groups.