Table of Contents
Last Updated on 2021-05-31 by Kassandra
Estimated reading time: 2 minutes
When it comes to sales, psychology is essential. And in marketing, if people don’t know you exist? They can’t buy from you – much like anything else in life.
But did you know that your marketing efforts may be turning people away?
In this Prosperous Heart marketing update, you will meet two incredible women in the world of digital marketing who graciously gave of their time to unveil some rarely talked about marketing secrets when it comes to psychology.
What Is Marketing Psychology?
According to, psychology in marketing (or marketing psychology) is loosely defined as “incorporating a range of psychological principles into your content, marketing, and sales strategy”. You can see examples of 5 commonly used marketing psychology principles in this article on Canva – as well as a few tips on how to incorporate psychology into your marketing.
You can even see for yourself how powerful the psychology of marketing and advertising can be for your business when you check out 8 Psychological Triggers To Skyrocket Conversions as explained by the Copy Posse’s Alex Cattoni.
The Interview
Below is the full interview with 2 amazing digital marketing powerhouse women:
- Trilce Jirón Garro – founder & CEO of TBS Marketing
- Lauren Elizabeth Petrullo – CEO & owner of Mongoose Media
In the above video, we talk about:
- Getting to know our guests! Learn more about who they are and their successful businesses.
- Why our speakers chose to get into digital marketing as their businesses.
- What challenges did they have to overcome to create their success?
- Their definitions of what psychology in marketing means to them when they hear the phrase
- The turning point for them when they recognized how important it is to effectively utilize psychology in marketing.
- Having realistic expectations & setting your business bookmarks.
- Why you may want to hold off on paid ads when starting out.
- What is the Flesch score & why you should use it.
- What is your comfort zone & why you need to get outside of your own wheelhouse.
- Planning vs execution – and why you likely aren’t doing enough!
- If you could only give 1 piece of advice for someone starting out, what would your best advice be?
What was your favorite tip today?
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