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Last Updated on 2014-12-17 by Kassandra
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Our bodies are amazing machines. And just like any technology, if not properly taken care of it will break down and stop working as designed. Here’s what I mean:
Recharge Your Batteries
Just like any technological device, our bodies need our “batteries” charged. This means we need our sleep.
Studies have shown that when we don’t get enough sleep (about 7-8 hours) we suffer for it. This might be cause for:
- a lack of energy
- being sleepy or tired during the day
- lack of focus
- gaining weight
- mood swings
- falling asleep at the wheel (it’s more dangerous to be behind the wheel and sleep deprived than if you were drunk)
It is IMPERATIVE that we get enough rest. During this time, our brains sort through all of the information for the day, help us process things we might not be able to while awake, and also allows our body to heal and regenerate. (Yes, I said regenerate.) Sleep is truly a wonderful thing, as it:
- contributes to a healthy immune system
- can balance appetites (helps regulate certain hormones which play a role in our feelings of hunger / fulness)
- grows & repairs tissue
- helps retain information when learning something new
It’s absolutely amazing what our bodies do for us when we charge our batteries properly. Be sure to check out either the Harvard’s site Benefits of Sleep or even the Sleep Foundation’s What Happens When You Sleep pages for more information.
I would also highly recommend HowStuffWorks’ page on How Sleep Works!
Keep Clean
Like electronic devices, if we don’t keep our bodies clean then a lot of issues will happen. Now, we can’t avoid water or dust, and neither will hurt us, but if we don’t keep clean there are many consequences.
- No shower? – body odor, chance of infection increases, you’ll itch more
- Don’t brush or floss? – gingivitis, loss of teeth, bad breath, etc
So be sure to stay clean! Otherwise you will start to decay … Really!
Eat right & Hydrate
Now, I wasn’t really sure how to tie this one in with electronics, since TECHNICALLY this would fall under recharging your batteries (putting fuel in), however I felt this topic needed a section of it’s own.
When you eat junk food, not only are you giving your body CRAP that may be difficult to utilize efficiently, but you are also making it harder to quit! Check out the Huffington Post’s article on What Happens to Your Brain When You Eat Junk Food (And Why We Crave It).
When you don’t hydrate, you’re not allowing your body to have what it needs to run efficiently. It’s kind of like putting oil in your car or ensuring there’s enough air flow for your computer. You need water, and lots of it, to be healthy. Here’s why:
- when we’re born, our body is about 75% water, but by a certain age we begin to lost the ability to retain water (so we need more of it)
- our cells use water to communicate with each other
- reduces stress on kidney functions
- eases constipation
- has been seen to ease chronic pain
- NOTHING can replace it (coffee is a diuretic, sodas contain a bunch of crap, etc)
- as we age, we lose the ability to detect thirst
Be sure to check out HowStuffWorks pages for how water affects your body, such as The Benefits of Drinking Water as well as How to Moisturize From the Inside Out for more information on why it is imperative that you stay hydrated.
A lot of people don’t realize how dehydrated they are. A good rule of thumb is take your weight in pounds, multiply by .75 and that is about the number of ounces a day you should be drinking in water. (This is basically 75% of your body weight in ounces.) Now, you can get water from the foods you eat, but it’s better to just carry around a bottle of water.
I even found out about an app you can use on your phone that not only reminds you to drink water, but you can also see your progress on how much water you drink on a daily, weekly, and annual basis.
That’s all from me for today!
Yes, great points and list! Those that put these in order keep this in a strong priority in their lives.
It’s so true, Alecia! I was actually at Unleash the Power Within and it was INCREDIBLE what we learned about keeping a life balance, including taking care of your body.
oh this is so powerful.. Listening to our bodies you just can’t imagine how much of this resonates with me after spinal cord injury. So much that you have to be in tune with and know!! Great post thank you for sharing
It is so easy to not take care of my body. I am really guilty of this. Thanks for sharing and invoking a change
My pleasure, Craig. The more you listen to your body, the better off you’ll be and the better you will feel!
thanks for sharing kassandra. awesome tips to listen to your body
Wow, thank you for the great information about our body. I was just having this conversation with my 7 yr old today…how he needs to get a good amount of sleep so his body should rest. Thanks for the recommended reads! I will check them out.
My pleasure Kesha! Just like our kids, even adults have an issue with this one. “Oh I don’t need sleep! I can run on 5 hours!” or even “I don’t want to sleep! There’s so much going on!” But in order to lead a happy & healthy life, we really do need to sleep more. 🙂 Hope to hear from you soon, Kesha! Thanks for stopping by.