Regardless of the project you are starting or have recently joined, there are 5 pillars to establish before you can get your project going quickly & effectively.
[Read more…]Tips On How To Schedule Better Meetings
When you learn how to schedule better meetings, you can positively impact your rapport with others. You will show them that you care about their time (as well as your own) while maintaining healthy time boundaries.
[Read more…]Stakeholder Map
A stakeholder map is not needed for every project or initiative – but it’s helpful to at least have a general one!
If you’re looking to save time and ensure the right people get involved early on, this is definitely a must have.
[Read more…]How To Grow Your Community
If you are a community manager, you know that part of the job is to grow your community.
If it seems like a difficult or daunting task, then be sure to leverage the information here.
[Read more…]Strategy Execution With Duke’s Fuqua School of Business ASEP Certification
When it comes to strategy execution, anyone can be a project manager. In fact – it may not be an official title of yours, but we are all project managers.
The opportunity we all have for growth in this?
Leaders at all levels recognize that their work is becoming more complex. But not everyone is adapting to the increasingly more complex world.
That’s where the Duke ASEP certification can help.
[Read more…]