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Last Updated on 2014-12-15 by Kassandra
Previous Post: 5 Useful Tools for Managing Money
Next Post: Sharing on Social Media Part 2 of 2 – What You SHOULD Share
“Money is the root of all evil.”
“Rich people are selfish.”
“Money can’t buy you happiness.”
Ever heard of these sayings before? Watch my video below to find out how these beliefs are stopping you from achieving prosperity in your life!
“If you free yourself financially, you can be fully present to your purpose on the planet.”
– Kate Northrup, author of Money: A Love Story
>> Click Here to Watch Original Video From Maria’s Site! <<
“Money is not negative or positive, it’s just a tool to create change.” – Kate Northrup
If you’re worried about money, where it’ll come from, how we’ll pay for things, that takes up a lot of bandwidth and mention. You’ll stop yourself from focusing on the things that will get you where you want to go.
Being in financial chaos keeps you small – it keeps you from being fully present to your purpose on this planet, even if you don’t yet know what that is.
4 Money Beliefs That Stop You From Having Prosperity
Someone else should or will do this for me
You give up your financial power! It may be easier, but you give up your power. It is symptomatic of feeling that we are not enough to be able to achieve financial freedom on our own … that it’s too scary, I’m not smart enough, whatever. We wait and never turn on to our full potential!
“I’m not good with money.”
We’ve all learned the skills we have, so to have this belief is only holding you back. Our beliefs influence (or become) our actions (we act in accordance to what our beliefs are) … And our actions create our results. So when you think “I’m not good with money” you are right off the bat setting yourself up for failure…
Because you have this thought, you will avoid taking steps to secure your financial freedom. So you should take really small actions to build your confidence (utilize my free tool, daily check your bank account balance & give gratitude to all the things in your life that make you feel you’re in abundance) …
Paying attention pays off! You will train your brain to associate money with feeling good.
Click Here to Get My FREE Downloadable Interactive Personal Finance Tool
People with money are greedy / It’s not spiritual to have money
When we have a judgement of someone for having something (like money) you are making an assumption & chances are pretty good they worked hard to achieve that goal & they deserve it because of the time and effort they put in. So when you have this negative mentality, you are stopping yourself form achieving the same outcome because you’re judging other people form having it … So why would your brain want that? Why would you want to be that “evil” or “greedy” or “dishonest” person?
Money is a stand in for what we value. So if someone wants something that you offer & they value it according to the amount that it costs? That is an exchange of value for value. So when you add value to someone else’s life, that IS a spiritual act.
“I see that you have a need, and I have something that can fill that need for you.”
Start viewing the world as, “Where can I add value? How can I add value to someone’s life?”
You will begin rewiring your brain and you will learn & understand that you will become more prosperous to the degree of which you provide value to others.
“I’m not ___ enough.”
Smart, talented, didn’t come from right background … Whatever it is, it is immediately taking you out of the game. Any time you don’t value yourself, even when you’re providing tremendous value … When you don’t see your own worth you WILL NOT receive the appropriate exchange for that.
“No one will value you more than yourself.” – Kate Northrop
Journal at least 21 days and write in 3 things you value about yourself or ways you added value to someone else’s life. By doing this, you’re building that muscle and training yourself to notice
(a) ways we are valuable
(b) ways we’ve added value to others’ livesWhen you do this, you will begin to see more opportunities to provide more value … It will makes you a better business person and human.
These opportunities could be simply be smiling at someone, making a phone call just to let them know you were thinking about them … Doesn’t have to be business.
If the content I have provided in this blog has benefited you in some way, or if you had a limiting belief keeping you from achieving prosperity, please comment below. I would love to hear from you!
And as always, I like to provide ways to increase your wealth. Below is just one way to do so.
Excellent tips! I like how you laid out each point.
Thanks Alecia!
I first saw that belief cycle in a Tony Robbins and Frank Kern interview. That just made so much sense to me. Thanks for sharing.
how you money is a big wakeup call. if you think its hard, its going to be hard. thanks kassandra