Last Updated on 2015-07-14 by Kassandra
So I use an application called Buffer [which is kind of like Hootsuite] to spread out my posts … And this morning I saw that I had buffered this post from The Mind Unleashed site.
So … did you know that dehydration may be (at least partly) to blame for you being fat and sick?
We need water as much as the air we breathe in! Keeping your body hydrated is not a joke.
Adverse effects from not drinking enough water include:
- digestion issues
- skin problems
- bladder and kidney problems
- fatigue
- headaches
I don’t drink anything but water and haven’t for years … But my biggest issue is that I don’t drink enough and run into the above issues often.
And trust me — you DO NOT want to have a kidney infection. That is a party no one wants to attend, I’m telling you that right now.
Did you know that dehydration actually sets in just before you start feeling thirsty? Sipping water throughout the day is the best way to handle it.
You should always do your best to have a bottle or a glass of water handy! This can play a big part in your ability to stay hydrated … Especially if you’re like me and don’t really think about it until it’s too late.
If you’re not a morning person, having two glasses of water right after you wake up will boost up your blood pressure to normal levels, and it’s way healthier than having your first coffee on an empty stomach. [Don’t kill me, my coffee drinking friends! I’m just the messenger.]
Another myth is that drinking the following liquids will hydrate us:
- sweetened juices
- soda
- tea
But they do not hydrate you as well as water does. At all. In fact? It’s actually the opposite! To deal with the excess sugar and salt you are taking in, your body wastes immense amounts of precious H2O just to clean it out from your system.
And if you love your coffee? Be sure to drink one extra glass of water for every cup you have.
Drinking water regularly speeds up your metabolism and makes you feel more ‘full’.
You will eat less once you start drinking more!
It’s the safest and healthiest way to lose weight. Drink up!
Here’s an infographic to help put things in perspective:
Infographic on Dehydration And It’s Affects On The Body
Maybe I drink too much water which makes me so thin.
Likely not the case, though drinking too much could cause your electrolytes to go out of whack