Last Updated on 2014-12-03 by Kassandra
We all have it, but we cannot sell it or get it back. The above video is a quick explanation of what it is and why it’s important.
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Time is so valuable. I am so glad I am the owner of this time secret lol…. Love this time secret and it rocks. I cam testify on your behalf that I have created freedom in my life and have time with my children and family.
That’s wonderful! I would love to have you do a guest post someday on that. 🙂
I am so thankful that I have the ability to choose what I do i want with my time. It was kind of depressing when my time was governed by someone other than me….but now I’m FREE
That’s wonderful, Theresa! Some day I’d love to have you do a guest blog post about that. Would love to hear another freedompreneur’s take on what their life is like now that they are the governor of their life. 🙂
We all have the same 24hours to use each day so it’s all about managing your time and learning the tricks to make the most of your time. Valuable post Kassandra. Thanks!
Thank you, Ann!
Time, yes. It certainly behooves us to live it in our best interest — doing what we want — being with whom we want. Very good points. And also setting our priorities that will bring us to where we want to go. Thanks Kassandra. Comment by Carol Makowski
Thanks for stopping by Carol and showing some love!
What a wonderful reminder about the importance of time.