Table of Contents
Last Updated on 2015-01-04 by Kassandra
Previous Post: Part 1 of 2 – 20 Habits for Success
Next Post: 8 Inexpensive Ways to Hang With Friends
They say it takes 28 days to create a new or get rid of an old habit. I know most of my friends and family want to be happy and successful, but don’t always have the role models to show them the way.
I recently shared this Huffington Post article … which was part one of a blog post written by someone named Paul C Brunson, who worked for 2 BILLIONAIRES!
The last post I made was my own take on what Paul wrote for the 1st 10 habits for success … But Part two went a little more in depth. As always, be sure to check out the original Part 2 post, but below is my take on the last 10 of 20 habits for success:
Recognize the Value of Simple Ideas
Most of the world’s wealthy got to where they are from some simple ideas … They find ways to take something we all (or a lot of people) enjoy, simplify & break it down, and bring more value to people.
In our current world, we are too often conned in to believing that when something sounds to good to be true …
And because of that thought process “regular people” close themselves to things that could greatly & positively impact their lives. But those who have been following the habits of successful people “recognize the value of simple ideas.”
Be Patiently Impatient
Nothing happens overnight. There are no get rich quick schemes, there are no short cuts to success.
I really liked what I read in the original article, because it makes sense. Successful people are always talking about the future and planning on how to get there … So it makes sense that they would exercise patience for long term goals (apparently it takes an average of 10 years for most billionaires to become successful).
And what was mentioned about daily and/or short term tasks? This falls back to an earlier post I mentioned about creating SMART goals. What you focus on expands, and you must give your goal a shorter time limit to help you keep focused.
Be Gritty
Billionaires, millionaires, and successful people do not let anything stop them. They don’t let obstacles stop them from achieving their goals.
Think about Thomas Edison … How many times did it take before 1 little change in his path opened up a new world for … well, the WORLD?
People who are in the sales world and network marketing. They can make more money than you would ever dream of, but they have to have the stomach for being turned down. And most people can’t do that because they have fears … Fears of failure. Fears that people won’t like them. Fears that they aren’t “enough” …
But successful people, regardless of whatever comes their way, don’t let the pit falls keep them down. The have a goal, they’re focused, and they continue to take action & aim until they accomplish it!
Develop Great Oratory Skills
If you are unable to articulate your goals, dreams, and aspirations, how do you expect anyone to get on board?
There’s a part in the original article that says:
“If you can’t articulate your ideas and vision (in a compelling way) you can’t galvanize the support required to make things happen.”
Basically it comes down to the fact that you have a higher chance of career success (and life success) when you are able to speak more effectively.
So be sure to read more good books! Ones that require you to branch out, stretch your mind, and put your mind in the right setting … Go to Toast Masters … Give more speeches and open discussions …. It’ll do you some good by building that speech backbone, but you’ll also get feedback on how to improve.
Grow Thick, Armor-Plated Skin
There is a basic truth about people who gain success … Those who do not achieve the same success, those who do not follow the habits and principles for happiness and success? Those who achieve the success they seek often times find themselves with a higher number of detractors (dream stealers) and the sharper the attacks will be.
That’s why it is essential to not only develop a shield against these kinds of attacks, but also surround yourself with the right people. Those who love you or respect your integrity, those that want to see you succeed are the ones who will be there to help you find ways to achieve your goals.
“We were born to win, but we were programmed to lose.” – Zig Ziglar“… never let what somebody else says distract you from your goals. And so, when I hear about negative and false attacks, I really don’t invest any energy in them, because I know who I am.” – First Lady Michelle Obama
Connect With People Outside Your Community
This quote form the article rings so true:
Your ability to be of influence within your community is directly related to your ability to make connections outside of your community.
Apparently this idea even has it’s own research done on it.
Apparently this is something I’ve been doing for years … Even before I started network marketing. What I learned to love about network marketing was the most I networked, the more people I know that had connections to other people that might be interested in the things I’m doing and might want to help in the movement! (I’ll post more on that later.)
But basically I was always looking for ways I could get people in touch with other people. If someone was looking for something I knew another friend could help them with? I just loved finding those connections!
Over-Communicate Your Message
“It’s not just about speaking loudly, it’s about speaking often.”
You never want people to guess or infer anything from your message.
With all of the things out there that basically get updated every 2 seconds, all of the information highway easily accessible … what you share can be easily overlooked or even simply missed. I mean … apparently in 48-hours of time, more content is published than the amount of content from the beginning of time until 2003!
The end of this part of the article really hit me, because it was something that was taught in:
- English
- Speech
- Army JROTC
- Air Force ROTC
… And apparently it is something Oprah and many other successful people do when they speak for a short or extended time. They always:
They start by telling you what they’re going to tell you.
Then they tell you.
Then they summarize what you just heard.
Repetition, repetition, repetition is necessary in this “goldfish society” and amongst all the noise we deal with on a daily basis.
Learn to Laugh at Yourself
There is so much in this world that people can be stressed about, and more often than not it’s things that they beat themselves up for … But having a sense of humor can really make things easier!
There’s even science behind why you should laugh at yourself — because apparently it’s a sign of an optimistic personality! Not only that, but it can improve your mood (laughter does that) as well as possibly be a factor in your own personal resilience.
“If you can laugh at yourself, you cna forgive yourself. And if you can forgive yourself, then you can forgive others.”
– Reverend Susan Sparks
Be Great At One Thing, First
As I’ve said before, what you focus on tends to expand! So if you focus on getting amazing at one thing, you will actually become more innovative. For the deeper you understanding you gain, you open yourself up to new ideas.
The original blog poster also said that limitations cans also lead to liberation … And I completely agree! Because once again, the successful are always looking for ways to make things easy and solve issues. So if you have a limitation, and if you constantly follow habits of the successful, then you won’t let that limitation stop you and you’ll find a way to achieve success!
Know A Higher Power
It seems like most successful people believe in this – and I don’t mean you have to be Christian or Jewish. Every book I’ve ever read about success has mentioned this as well. When you connect with this “higher power” you are developing a relationship that will allow you to find guidance in decisions and problem solving. I am a firm believer of that, as having faith in something triggers something akin to magic … Things tend to happen.
“Believe and succeed.”
If you’re ready to take steps to achieve your goals and become more successful, then click here to get occasional emails from me on that and so much more!
Are you ready to surround yourself with the thinking that out thinks you?
Then check out my Inner Circle. 🙂
Your blog is fantastic! It’s great to know there are others with the same mission of helping others. You’re going to do great things for the world.
This info. Is just Awesome! Also an “eye opener” concerning Mindset.
Keep up the awesome work.