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Last Updated on 2015-09-11 by Kassandra
Previous Post: The Path From Ancient Egypt To Losing Excitement For Your Life
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Hey guys! Kassandra here with and today I’m sharing something with you about something I read the other day. It’s in a called The Magic of Believing by Claude Bristol. It was page 57 of the one that I was looking at. And something that he said really, really hit home for me. It was basically that anything that grows, needs guidance, is basically what it said. I’ll post the actual quote on my blog. So if you’re watching this on youtube, scroll on down to the subscription box and click on it. It’ll take you to my blog post video that I shared in this video right now as well as the quote below.
Like I said, anything that grows needs guidance, it needs to be fed good stuff in order for it to grow big and strong, right? So, for example, with plants, you start out with this seed, and this seed could be anything. And yeah, scientifically, every seed goes with its particular species but, just, in general, a seed can be anything. It could be stunted growth, it could a huge tree, it could be anything. It just depends on the environment that it’s in – the nutrients that it gets, the other plants that it’s around, right?
So it’s the same with people. Your brain is like this fertile soil and everything you put into it is going to bring out what you’ve put in. Good in, good out. Bad in, bad out. So if you’re listening to negative stuff all day, even if it’s music, if it’s sad, you will start to have that same physiology that same mentality. You’re telling your brain, “Oh, be sad! Oh, this is terrible! Oh, blah, blah, blah”. You need to speak life into your life. You need to say exactly who you are and exactly what you’re going to accomplish. And you have to focus and take action on that daily in order to get what you want to have.
So the reason I am sharing this today is because I am on week three of a bootcamp with one of my business teams. It’s a Mastermind with a very small group of people, but we’re killing it, man. And I’m loving it! And the reason why it ties in with today’s message, is because not only are they guiding us, they’ve told us – aside from the eight core commitments, eight daily commitments, or whatever it is, I don’t know exactly what it’s called – I know, it’s terrible. But aside from doing that, they’ve actually set up a system to help us stay consistent, because that’s what really matters, you guys. You have to take daily, consistent actions towards any goal that you’re looking for, whether it’s to be time freedom, whether it’s to have financial freedom, maybe you want to be a great dancer so that, you know, you’re taking action and going to classes and practicing and things like that. So again, you’re focusing and you’re taking action on what you want out of life, right?
So most people, they don’t stay dedicated, they don’t stay focused, they need some help. And that’s what is so great about this team, because they want to see you succeed. And if you meet them halfway, if you do what you’re supposed to do, they are an open book. If you have questions, you can get it answered. The information that you learn is incredible, that you can take just about anywhere else you go. So, I absolutely love it. I love – I just love it. I don’t want to go into it because I probably could write – I could say a really really long video about it. I don’t want to. But my focus today was talking to you about making sure you’re putting in the right stuff into your head, so that you grow and that you become who it is you want to be and so you can leave behind who you once were. Because if you’re not growing, guys, you’re dying, okay? And we only have a limited time on this earth. Why not keep growing so that you can be better and better and better and achieve things that you never dreamed possible, but you know it’s possible because everyone has the same opportunity – if they want to get it done, they can. If you want to get it, you’ll find a way. That’s just bottom line. If you are homeless, with no income, if you really wanted something, you could get it done. You could find ways to get the money you needed to do whatever it is you were trying to do, right? So, it’s all about how much you’re willing to put in to get what you want out of life. But in that same regard, you have to surround yourself with people who can help you get there by keeping you accountable, making sure that you’re doing the right things, because when you have someone that’s been there before, they can tell you their mistakes and you can learn from them, right? You can grow, right?
So that’s it for me for now. This is Kassandra with I didn’t want to make this very long. I hope you enjoyed it! And if you would like to share anything, go ahead and leave a comment below. I would really appreciate it. And again, when taking actions on your life “Just do it”! Later guys.
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