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Last Updated on 2015-01-07 by Kassandra
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My passion in life is to empower people to live more prosperous, happy lives. So in that, I wanted to share this article written by Lianne Laroya that I ran across today that outlines 10 mornings habits of highly successful people that make them extraordinary.
Highly successful people are generally happier and less stressed. This isn’t because of their success or the money they may have (although that does help), it’s because their PERSONAL PRIORITIES are worth more to them than other people’s priorities. And they know that when you keep the end in mind, you get priorities done FIRST! That’s why they make a point to claim the early hours of the day as their “me” time.
The article I found only lists 10 of the daily morning habits these successful people do, however if you can incorporate even a few for right now, you will be far ahead of the rest of the populace who don’t.
10 Morning Habits to be EXTRAORDINARY
Wake Up REALLY Early
As I’ve stated so many times before, your most precious asset is time. You can’t buy it or sell it, and once it’s gone, you can never get it back.
Highly successful people know this and work to efficiently manage and utilize their time. In the article, it states that highly successful people wake up at 5:30am, 4:30am and even 4:00 am … Keep in mind they probably go to bed much earlier as well, but that isn’t listed in the article. This is JUST about morning habits.
By waking up earlier, these people will not only have more control over their time, but they have more opportunities to do things that matter to them. Most people (the general populace) detest waking up that early … So you are less likely to be bothered by other people (if you are out and about), no phone calls or anything external to distract you. You can get your exercise done early (which will help you throughout the day) and so much more!
This one can be very hard for most people, especially those who like to be “night owls” and stay up all hours, losing sleep (which is super bad for you). However, if you can start waking up 15 minutes earlier than your usual time, you can gradually adjust. You can also help yourself out by going to bed earlier and sticking to that bedtime.
Burn Your Calories
As I mentioned previously, if you work out in the morning, you can help yourself throughout the day. Highly successful people have a habit of burning calories in the morning! This doesn’t mean you have to have a high intensity workout … Aside from walking having the same (if not better) effects as running, you can also do yoga (strength and flexibility training) or even just dancing in your living room.
Exercise allows you to think clearer, combat stress, and aside from the health benefits, you also get those feel good endorphins!
So make time for exercise. If you wake up earlier, you can do so and shower before you have to leave. And if an hour long exercise seems daunting (let’s face it – we’re all busy) you can do something for 10 minutes … Whatever you can do, do it! Your health depends on it.
Do an “Hour of Power”
I am a BIG proponent for personal development, and those that say they don’t need it are the ones who need it most.
For those that understand and work on their personal development, they understand that this habit is KEY! You have to get your mind right. You have to work on YOU before you can truly accomplish all that you want to do.
While you may not be able to do an HOUR, spend at least 30 minutes working on this. The article says use this time to listen to inspirational anecdotes and empowering quotes. While this is great advice, none of the habits in the article talk about reading (or listening to) books that will do the same thing.
Every successful person I have ever met has said read 10 pages of a good book a day (things that get your mind right, replenish your motivation, improve you, etc) as well as listen to 30 minutes of a good audio. If you can do this in the morning, then great! Another reason to wake up early — especially since you’re starting the day off with this instead of trying to fit it in before bedtime (which also has benefits, but most people forget or stay up too late).
Jot Down on Your Gratitude Journal
Every day, write down 1-3 things that you’re thankful for. Count the small wins!
When you enumerate the blessings you’re grateful for, you will be more open to optimism, inspiration, and you will improve your outlook on life. It may seem silly at first, but the impact on you will grow and flourish.
Happiness is about wanting the things you already have.
Ask Yourself 1 Important Question
“If today was the last day of my life, would I still want to do what I am doing today?”
Yes. This can be a painful question. But if it’s painful, is it enough to motivate you to do something different so the answer is easy and YES? If you don’t go out and change something to achieve the success you want, you may lose the opportunity – or worse – never get a “next time” to succeed.
Eat That Frog First
The willpower of highly successful people are fresh and ready in the morning, so it’s best to take advantage of that and do your hardest task first. Since you’re doing it early, you’re more likely to finish it without others interrupting you.
I really liked the suggested task of the article wherein it says to choose ONE “frog” of the day and stick to completing it before you even get to breakfast.
Connect With Your Partner
I really liked this habit. Too often, with our schedules we barely have time to connect with our partners and even if you do, it’s over TV or a smooch before bed. If you BOTH wake up early, you have a chance to truly connect with them and discuss things like:
- your plans
- your finances
- your beloved hobbies
You have more energy & focus in the morning, so this habit should be made paramount to a ritual! You could even set up one morning to be a “breakfast date” where you have breakfast at the new cafe down the street, or maybe even go for a run together! (2 birds 1 stone)
This habit alone could do wonders for your relationship.
Plan & Strategize
Map out your day. Take at least 10 minutes to visualize your life goals, review your tasks for THIS DAY, and allot for breaks. By doing this in the morning, you will be more prepared to handle / manage the day & have less stress.
If you don’t map out your direction, how will you know you’re doing the right things? Going in the right direction and making the right decisions to get you to your goals?
Meditate & Clear Your Mind
90% of illnesses are stress related. When you take some time in the morning to clear your head, keep calm, focus on breathing … you are enjoying a few moments with yourself. You can say a prayer, meditate, or recite an empowering mantra.
This doesn’t have to be an hour – just a few minutes of focused, quiet, peace.
Cuddle & Bond With Your Kids
Too many parents have the regret that their kid grew up too fast. Don’t be that parent.
In the morning, you have less cluttering your mind, less stress, and more focus. You won’t be distracted and can focus your attention on them. You could help them get dressed, cook them a healthy breakfast, and even start them on the path of success by talking to them about their dreams!
This can also go with people who have pets. While you may not be able to do the above, spending time with your pets can lower stress and make you happier.
For an idea of how this may look, here’s a to-do list for Benjamin Franklin, a founding father of the USA:
That’s all from me for now! Be sure to check my blog daily for new content, or subscribe to my RSS!
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I hope you have a wonderful & prosperous day. ^_^
O wow so good this was… Hahaahh I sound like Yoda hahha. Anyway wow I love it such useful and great tips. I am still trying to wake up early because I stay up so late. That is my get down to business time haha. At times I believe we do what works best for use but I have kids so I need to get them to school so I automate most of the business in order to get functioning in the am.
This is good to my soul Kassandra. I just bookmarked this page because I want to share it with my husband later on. The hardest thing for me to squeeze into my day is my exercise…I’m always interrupted SO I will be doing that first from now on…thanks and I’m super stoked about sharing this with my husband and incorporating these in our daily routine
Oh good! I am so glad this was helpful. A lot of times we think I’ll “have time later” and then later comes and it’s too late! I look forward to hearing about your progress.
Love, love, love this! It’s so true about waking up early in the morning. I salute those who can do it at 4:30AM…wow. I also loved the EAT THE FROG FIRST. Very true. Really good content, thank you for sharing!
Wow, awesome post! I try to wake up at 5:30 AM, but I think my new goal will be 5 AM. I like Ben’s schedule 😀
Wow, I feel like a slacker lol
Nah – no need to feel like a slacker. But are there any habits you will now be incorporating?